The Report on the Implementation of the Project of Investigation into Natural Resources of Shennongjia National Park

Updated:2024-01-12  Source:Shennongjia National Park

From May 13 to September 16, 2022, the Administration of Shennongjia National Park determined the organizations winning the bidding and the contract amount for all 15 topics of the “Project of Investigation into Natural Resources of Shennongjia National Park” through the government procurement (bidding) procedure. The total amount of the 15 contracts was 27,152,856 yuan. From September to October 2022, a total of 8,145,900 yuan has been paid for all 15 topics.
In October 2022, the Administration of Shennongjia National Park held a meeting to kick off the project of investigation into natural resources and discuss the implementation plan. More than 50 people attended the meeting, including project leaders and senior technicians from 13 organizations which were in charge of the project, relevant leaders of the Hubei Provincial Forestry Bureau, and leaders of the natural reserves of Badong Golden Monkey, Duheyuan, Shibali Changxia, and the Three Gorges Wanchao Mountains. Ruan Xiangdong, Jiang Zhigang, Wang Ruijiang, Wang Xiaofan, and Zhu Zhaoquan were invited to be the project consultants at the meeting. They made comments and suggestions on the objectives and tasks of each sub-topic and the implementation plan from the global point of view, international vision, and industry prospects. The document “Establishment of the Leading Group for the Project of Investigation into Natural Resources of Shennongjia National Park” was presented at the meeting, and the 15 research groups detailed the implementation plan of their respective topics one by one, and the consultants addressed inquiries to the topics, voiced their opinions, and made some suggestions. The “Minutes of the Kick-off Meeting of the Project of Investigation into Natural Resources of Shennongjia National Park” was made at the meeting, marking the official launch of the project.
As of June 1, 2023, the Project Management Office has completed 62 investigation formalities for research groups of the project and assisted in completing more than 40 formalities about investigating into adjoining natural reserves. There were more than 800 visits to the candidate areas of Shennongjia National Park for related work, each of them working about 3,000 days. Up to now, the project outputs include more than 20 first drafts of papers and eight first drafts of research reports, totaling more than one million words, application for one patent and one software copyright; more than 300 sample plots (sample points), 763 sample lines investigated, covering more than 1,000 kilometers long, more than 30,000 specimens of plants, animals, soils, and rocks, more than 40,000 photos of species and habitats, and more than 400 samples of DNA bar codes.
One new species of insect, namely Shennong Achlya flavicornis, was officially published. Fourteen suspected new species of fungi and lichens, and higher vascular plants were discovered, which were to be confirmed by further molecular and morphological researches. One newly recorded Hubei genus of Ampelocalamus and 12 new species such as Ampelocalamus melicoideus, leafy Goodyera, and Neolitsea shingningensis were found. Two newly recorded Chinese genus of bryophytes, including Frullania retusa Mitt. and epiphytic Metzgeria furcate, and 46 newly recorded Hubei genera, such as dark Snake Liverwort, Tetraphis pellucida Hedw., and Orthotrichum callistomum were discovered. In addition, two newly recorded Shennongjia genera of birds and insects were added, namely Eurasian Crag Martin, Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo, Eopycna repanda, and Polyneura cheni.
Details of the work carried out by each research group and the relevant progress are summarized as follows:
1. Ten investigators from the veterinary group of the Chinese Academy of Forestry systematically organized the list of veterinary species in Shennongjia National Park, integrating 20 new species into the original 122 species, which now stands at 140 species. They set up 60 infrared cameras in Shennongjia National Park, systematically collecting a total of 43-terabyte data in the pilot area of Shennongjia National Park, and the nature reserves of Wanchao Mountains, Badong Golden Monkey, Shibalichangxia, Duheyuan, and others. They also examined the data and carried out preliminary analyses. Moreover, they conducted a two-week survey on small-scale rodents in the nature reserves of Duheyuan and Badong Golden Monkey, collecting more than 40 rodent specimens, and taught local guardians how to use the collection tools and methods, so that guardians could assist in the specimen collection.
2. Twenty investigators from the bird group of the Kunming Vermilion Bird Institute carried out five rounds of surveys, which lasted 37 days and covered the entire 10km×10km grid, completing 39 surveys on sample points and 78 ones on 200-km sample lines. More than 300 species of birds were recorded, including three species of national first-class protected birds and 46 species of national second-class protected birds. Data of three new local bird species were tentatively sorted out, including Eurasian Crag Martin, Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo, and Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher. More than 3,000 photos were taken.
3. Eleven researchers from the amphibian and reptile group of the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, carried out four surveys on amphibians and reptiles, each of them working about 300 days in wildness. They completed surveys on 135 sample lines which totaled 153.28km long, collected 442 specimens and 64 tubes of environmental DNA (eDNA) samples, recorded 43 species, and drafted three papers.
4. The insect and spider group of Northwest A&F University assigned 115 investigators from 23 universities, colleges, and research institutes to complete surveys on more than 200 sample lines, each of them working more than 600 days. They collected over 1,200 species of 11,000 insect and spider specimens, and took about 3,000 ecological photos. One new species (Shennong Achlya flavicornis) and two newly recorded species (Eopycna repanda and Polyneura cheni) were discovered, two papers were published, and one paper was submitted.
5. Forty-five researchers from the water resources and aquatic life group of the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, investigated a total of 93 cross sections and completed the monitoring of water resources quantity and water quality sampling and analysis of the four major water systems, namely the Xiangxi River, the Du River, the Yandu River, and the Nanhe River, their tributaries and reservoirs, and the Dajiu Lake in the three seasons of spring, summer, and fall. Furthermore, they initially sorted out the data in area and shape of lakes and reservoirs. They delineated the time nodes for the wet period, the level period, and the drought period. The dynamics of water inflow and outflow and physical and chemical data such as water depth and water temperature were measured.
Fifty-two fish species (including suspected new species) were collected, and 11 indigenous fish species (including four suspected new species of Homatula pycnolepis) were newly recorded. A total of 31 species of aquatic plants, 190 species of benthic animals, 117 species of zooplankton, 137 species of phytoplankton, and 25 species of epiphytic algae were identified.
The group obtained 881 photos, 567 specimens, 22 videos, and 70 DNA bar codes, published three papers, developed one software, and applied for one patent.
6. Each of the 21 researchers from the vegetation and plant monitoring network group of Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences worked about 150 days. They created and investigated 50 forest fixed monitoring sample plots, each of them measuring 20m×60m, detected a total of 260 species of listed woody plants, 17,777 plants, and 9,340 branches, set up three fixed monitoring sample belts for wetland ecosystems (each of them measuring 4m×350m), and built 40 new fixed monitoring sample plots (each of them measuring 4m×4m).
7. A total of 23 researchers from the vascular plant group of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, carried out six plant field surveys, with a total survey duration of 258 hours. They collected 2,200 species of 7,600 plant specimens and more than 300 species of plant seeds, took more than 11,000 183-terabyte photos, involving more than 400 survey grids, and discovered one newly recorded Hubei genus (Ampelocalamus), 12 newly recorded species (Ampelocalamus melicoideus, Disporum nanchuanense, and leafy Goodyera), and seven suspected new species. They published two papers and submitted one paper.
8. Six researchers from the bryophyte group of the Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, carried out three field collections and investigations, each of them working about 500 days. The investigation covered 26 grids and about 150 sample lines. They collected 2,160 specimens and took 6,000 field photos. The collection and identification information of all specimens were entered into the database. 85% of the specimens were identified as species levels. According to the preliminary identification, there were a total of 71 families, 172 genera, 384 species, six subspecies, eight varieties, and one metamorphosis, including two newly recorded Chinese genera (Frullania retusa Mitt. and epiphytic Metzgeria furcate) and 46 newly recorded Hubei genera (dark Snake Liverwort, Marchantia quadrata, Phaeoceros carolinianus, Orthotrichum callistomum, Ulota crispa, and so on).
9. Ten researchers from the macrofungi and lichen group of the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, carried out field work for 30 days. They collected 2,040 specimens, took 8,000 photos, identified 265 species (165 macrofungi and 100 lichens), initially discovered seven new species (Shennongjia Giant Puffball, Shennongjia Psathyrella candolleana, and so on), and submitted two papers, overfulfilling their quota for the annual work plan.
10. Twelve researchers from special teams of soil fauna, soil type, soil mycorrhizal diversity, and soil bacterial and fungal diversity in the soil group of the Ecology and Nature Conservation Institute, Chinese Academy of Forestry conducted two soil and soil fauna surveys in 25-hectare fixed sample plots in Qianjiaping, 5-hectare ones in Guanmen Mountain, and 60 gradient distribution sample plots, all of which were established by the vegetation monitoring network group. Each of them worked 300 days. They collected more than 7,000 soil fauna samples or specimens, including over 200 earthworm samples, over 2,000 soil nematodes, over 3,000 soil collembolans, over 2,000 mites, and a small number of terrestrial shellfish. In addition to earthworms, they identified a total of 104 genera in three phyla, three classes, and 11 orders. They also established 54 soil fixed sample plots, and collected a total of 231 soil samples, 34 soil standard profile samples, 110 ring knife samples, 54 vegetation litterfall samples, 200 standardized and digitized soil fauna samples, and 255 electronic photos.
11. The geologic feature and natural landscape group of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) carried out field surveys in the natural reserves of Shibalichangxia and Duheyuan and the neighboring areas of Zhushan County and Zhuxi County, covering an area of 727.77 square kilometers and eight survey routes. The group collected more than 40 rock specimens, obtained information on attributes and spatial distribution of nearly 150 geologic relics, rivers, and geologic features, took more than 1,000 photos of geological sites and landscapes, made 40 aerial videos from drones, and obtained 33 indoor rock slices and 126 microscope identification photos.
12. The socio-economic group of Hubei University of Economics assigned four investigation teams comprising 15 people to carry out field investigation into the socio-economic development in Shennongjia, Xingshan County, Zhushan County, Zhuxi County, and Badong County. They collected and sorted out data of the Shennongjia Statistical Yearbook, the governmental work report, the 14th Five-Year Plan, and other special plans, and drafted the 30,000-word “Summary of the Socio-Economic Survey Data of Shennongjia National Park”. Furthermore, the group submitted three papers.
13. The Dajiu Lake wetland geological and environmental survey and monitoring group of the Seventh Geological Brigade of Hubei Geological Bureau completed the 1:10,000 ecological and geological environment survey (key protected area of 30.6 square kilometers) and a regional geological and hydrogeological survey, including a 1:50,000 geological and hydrogeological survey in the general survey area (79.4km2) in the Dajiu Lake and a 1:100,000 geological and hydrogeological survey in Shiyan Zhushan Duheyuan Nature Reserve (66km2). The group found out the stratum lithologic and geological structure of Dajiu Lake and newly discovered six faults. They discovered the thickness of the cover layer in Dajiu Lake through geophysical exploration, that is, the maximum thickness of the cover layer in the center of Dajiu Lake is about 81m, and the cover layer in the vicinity of the No.2 Lake, the No.3 Lake, the No.4 Lake, and the No.7 Lake is thick, generally above 60m. They found out the sedimentary materials and components of Dajiu Lake, and divided them into four sedimentary cycles through the quaternary-system investigation. They discovered four underground seepage channels and divided the Dajiu Lake into six underground river systems through hydrogeological investigation and geophysical exploration. They set up four groundwater monitoring stations of Dajiu Lake and obtained data on hydrological parameters such as flow and velocity at the outlet of underground rivers. They carried out ecological investigations, identifying six types of land resources in the Dajiu Lake, namely wetland, water body, construction land, arable land, grassland, and forested land. They investigated six types of plant communities with characteristics of wet to dry, namely, wet peat bog, wet herbaceous bog, semi-wet degraded bog, wet-medium meadow, medium-arid meadow, and arid meadow.
14. The ecological function and service assessment group of the Ecology and Nature Conservation Institute, Chinese Academy of Forestry has constructed an index system of ecosystem service and function assessment including four service categories, 10 functional indicators, and 20 assessment indicators. The group collected and collated assessment parameter datasets and related data on remote sensing interpretation, determined the indicators of the survey program, and carried out synchronous monitoring. A preliminary survey program of ecosystem structure and function containing ecosystem connectivity and fragmentation, ecosystem functional type, vegetation coverage and height, endemism, uniqueness, leaf area index, weight of litterfall, photosynthetic activity (growth), and oxygen-demanding respiration has been determined. The first draft of the Specification for Value Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Services in Nature Reserves (2023-31-HBSF) was completed.
15. Thirty-eight researchers from the ecosystem survey and research and resource information collection and digital management platform development and construction group of Wuhan University completed the following tasks. First, they made the maps of projection images, ecosystem types, and vegetation distribution, and obtained a classification map of ecosystem types and the preliminary classification results of vegetation types. The group conducted two field surveys on validation of the classification results and generated a sufficient number of validation samples based on the field survey results and indoor work to validate the ecosystem classification results. Second, they produced a long time series (2010-2020) multi-period ecosystem characteristic parameter datasets of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Leaf Area Index, Surface Reflectance, Photosynthetic Effective Radiation, and Net Primary Productivity. They used the InVEST model and other methods to evaluate five key ecosystem services such as soil conservation, carbon sequestration, and water purification. Third, they used ground-based LiDAR and airborne LiDAR to collect data on forest sample plots and obtained 3D point clouds of key forest areas in Shennongjia National Park. According to the point cloud data, they obtained spatial structure information of single trees, trunks, and branches in key areas and reconstructed 3D models of single trees, and established holographic databases of trees in key areas. Fourth, they developed the information collection system and resource display system, realizing the digitalization of the collection of natural resource information and informatization of data management. Five, they published two SCI papers (all of them were accepted) and submitted one paper.(By Yu Huiliang & Long Shuizhi) 
Copyright Shennongjia National Park
Address:36 Chulin Road, Muyu Town, Shennongjia Forestry District, Hubei Province 鄂ICP备18005077号-3