Briefing on the Soil Survey in Shennongjia National Park

Updated:2023-10-31  Source:Shennongjia National Park

Based on the preliminary investigation, the survey team from the Ecology and Nature Conservation Institute, Chinese Academy of Forestry conducted the second field survey dedicated to the investigation of the soil type and the soil biology in Shennongjia National Park from October 13 to 29, 2023. The team members include Researcher Zhang Yuguang, Researcher Huang Zhilin, Associate Researcher Chen Zhan, and six graduate students in related majors.

Group photo of the survey team

After making overall considerations by taking a host of elements into account, such as the results of the long-term quadrat-based vegetation monitoring in Shennongjia National Park under the title of “Construction of Monitoring Network on Vegetation and Plant Diversity”, relevant national norms and standards, as well as factors such as the vegetation type, the altitude gradient, and the slope aspect, the survey team chose 54 permanent sample plots in Shennongjia National Park as sampling sites in Qianjiaping, Laojunshan, Shennongding, Guanmenshan and Dajiuhu areas, and collected a total of 231 soil samples, 34 samples of standard soil profile, 110 ring-knife soil samples and 54 samples of plant litter. Meanwhile, information like the vegetation composition and the human disturbance in those areas were gathered as well. Subsequent experimental analysis of those collected samples will be carried out, including the analysis on the soil texture, the physical and chemical properties, the nutritional components, as well as on the microbial diversity and the microbial community structure, etc.
Soil profiling and soil sample processing

This special survey, carried out in accordance with the requirements of national, departmental and local technical norms and standards, has adopted the latest international survey and monitoring technology and has aimed to investigate and assess the soil type and the soil biology within areas of Shennongjia National Park (including some areas in Badong County, Xingshan County, Zhushan County and Zhuxi County in Hubei Province, as well as some surrounding areas). To be specific, the main objectives of this survey include the comprehensive investigation of the soil type to get a full picture of the main soil types in Shennongjia, for the establishment of Shennongjia’s soil distribution database; the comprehensive investigation of soil microorganisms and soil animal resources, for the assessment of soil microorganisms in different ecosystems and of the animal diversity and distribution in Shennongjia, as well as for the understanding of the dominant, key soil microflora and their relationships with various environmental elements in those areas; the ascertainment of the main species and the distribution of their habitat concerning those soil animals; the establishment of the complete inventory of soil animal species and microbial species; and the standardized production and digitization of a batch of soil specimen.
Field survey and sample collection
Due to the complex terrain and the unpredictable weather in this region, the whole team sometimes found themselves in a worse predicament like being caught in the downpour or landslide, which greatly added to the difficulty of the task. Nevertheless, all the team members were collaborating actively and assisting each other to successfully complete the whole task.
Shennongjia National Park and staff from the Hubei Academy of Forestry provided considerable support for this field survey. What is more, Liu Feng and Jiang Qinghu, teachers from Wuhan Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, also offered invaluable assistance when conducting the preliminary work. We are grateful for their tremendous support and we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to them! (By the Survey Team)
Copyright Shennongjia National Park
Address:36 Chulin Road, Muyu Town, Shennongjia Forestry District, Hubei Province 鄂ICP备18005077号-3