[Animal Stories 1] Sichuan Golden Snub-nosed Monkey: The Best-looking Primate

Updated:2023-05-26  Source:Shennongjia National Park

In the silent depths of the forest, occasionally one can hear sounds of tree-branch breaking, and a string of roars. When you hear these sounds, it means there is a group of golden elves nearby who shuttle and leap through the forest like the wind. These creatures are the best-looking primate: the Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkeys.
The hair in the middle of the cheeks and forehead of the Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey extends towards the center of the face, revealing two sunken sky-blue eye circles and a prominent sky-blue snout. In addition, its nasal bone is degenerated without a nasal bridge, thus forming a flat nose with forward-facing nostrils, which is particularly interesting.
The Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey is a social animal. They live in groups typically consisting of dozens or even hundreds of monkeys. Their basic social unit is a family, consisting of an adult male monkey, several female monkeys, and their offspring, living a polygamous life. From their living conditions and social habits, one may perceive the shadow of the evolution of human society. Their family members take care of each other and forage and rest together. The adult male monkey is the "head of the family” and bears the responsibility of protection. He always maintains a high level of vigilance and is prepared to expel incoming enemies. The adult female monkeys have a strong maternal instinct and show great love and compassion for their young. They take meticulous care of newly born monkeys, and even breastfeed each other’s children. Mother monkeys help each other to nurture their young, so that they can develop quickly after birth and reach a good state before the onset of severe winter, and thus successfully survive through the coldness and food shortages of winter.
When the weather is fine and the sun is shining brightly, Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkeys often sit together and groom each other while basking in the sun. They have family, friendship, and love, and they also communicate, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. Each monkey has its own "personality" as humans do.
In the vast forest of Shennongjia, the agile, elegant, and gentle Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkeys live a pleasant life, which fully displays the dazzling and mysterious nature of Shennongjia. (By Du Hua and Wang Pin)
Copyright Shennongjia National Park
Address:36 Chulin Road, Muyu Town, Shennongjia Forestry District, Hubei Province 鄂ICP备18005077号-3