Rare Birds Discovered in Shennongjia in a Bird Resources Survey

Updated:2023-05-10  Source:Hubei Radio and Television

On the “International Bird Day”, Shennongjia National Park launched its largest local resource survey project ever, starting off with bird resource survey designed to dig deep into the distribution of birds and their main habitats in Shennongjia.  
Golden eagle (Photo by Hu Gang) 
According to Zhong Jia, honorary chairman of the Joint Action Platform of China Bird-watching Organization, one of the biggest gains of this bird resource survey is that national first-class protected birds, such as golden eagle and Temminck’s Tragopan, have been recorded and even captured on video.  
Chrysolophus pictus (Photo by Hu Gang) 
Due to its special geographical location, unique climatic conditions, superior ecological environment, diverse habitat types, and an extremely high forest coverage rate, Shennongjia is regarded as a paradise for many wild animals and plants to inhabit and reproduce and an important stop for migratory birds to migrate between north and south. Abundant in bird resources, Shennongjia National Park is home to a total of 394 species of birds, including 14 species endemic to China and 69 rare and endangered species. 
Shennongjia National Park has held “Shennongjia National Park Cup” bird-watching events for three consecutive years from 2019 to 2021. “The bird resources here are incredibly abundant.” Hu Gang, the head of the Liangzi Lake bird survey project from SEE Free Flying Wings, said that he knows well about the bird resources here as he had been to Shennongjia more than 30 times over the years.  
Reeves’s pheasant (Photo by Ma Guofei)  
Thrush (Photo by Ma Guofei) 
Its unique natural resources have made Shennongjia a paradise for birds and an important site for migratory birds to stop over. During the migration period every year, a large number of migratory birds will stop here for rest and food before flying to warm wintering areas in South China or breeding areas in North China. “We were lucky to catch sight of Parus davidi and Certhia tianquanensis this time because they are both so rare,” said Hu Gang. 
Over these years, a large number of bird watchers, experts and scholars have been attracted here to observe, photograph, and study Shennongjia’s bird resources. 
Shennongjia has set up bird-watching bases in quite a few spots such as Hongju Village. Nearly 100 species of birds, such as Reeves’s pheasant, Chrysolophus pictus, Temminck’s Tragopan, Phasianus colchicus, Barred Laughingthrush, Elliot’s Laugingthrush and White-throated Laughingthrush, can be observed or photographed there. (By Li Xiao and Zhang Ran)  
Blue-throated sunbird (Photo by Ma Guofei)  
Garrulus glandarius (Photo by Chen Guanghai) 
Copyright Shennongjia National Park
Address:36 Chulin Road, Muyu Town, Shennongjia Forestry District, Hubei Province 鄂ICP备18005077号-3